
If there's one thing I've always enjoyed writing, it's some poetry. It's often therapeutic to write down your thoughts and channel the energies into something that others may enjoy over time. If you like what you see and wish to obtain some more, please use the contact me page to do so. Thank you.

The last five years' worth of poetry are archived below (apart from April 2021 and January 2024, no poems those months) which you can also check out:


Here's the poems for June 2024:

Bitten by the Bike Bug

With me working in another office
I wanted to do something for my lunch
And getting off at the station close by
I came across an idea and a hunch
I'd hire a cycle from the docking station
Go exploring the local area for a while
Working out a circular route plan
Which would mean a good few miles
I knew that I could follow a quiet route
Where I would be alone with my thoughts
Avoiding the main roads of cars
And instead a volume of noughts
With the freedom and fresh air
As I headed through London Fields Park
Along a quiet road back to Dalston
With the bus lane meaning no car lark
It was altogether enjoyable and lovely
And I've been bitten by the bug
More cycling for me for the future
Giving me a warmer and healthier hug.

(Having a bike to hire just opens up the opportunities for exercise, something I definitely need to do more of.)

Not Another One

I'm already sick and tired
Of all the claims and counter claims
As politics goes into overdrive
With it being election time again
It is wall to wall coverage
Meaning more of reporters
Being so darned smug all the time
That really makes me cross
I know that it'll be on constantly
As the date draws nearer in July
Instead though of all the posturing
Can someone tell me what they'll do
Rather than points score off someone
Because they feel the need to do so
I'm just sick of it all really
I just want some honesty
And we've not that had that for so long.

(It does frustrate me somewhat with all the talk of politics this politics that whilst the real world issues are not taken seriously..)

When Games Were One Ninety Nine

We all didn't have so much money in the 80s
With unemployment and depression everywhere
And with home computers taking off if you could afford one
You really wanted some games software
But so many games were expensive really
And you couldn't justify the costs of them all
I then remember going into one shop
And seeing something which could be my call
Games for just one ninety nine? I wondered
Would they actually be any good?
And would I get the value from them playing
Or would I be spending my money on a dud?
I'd just got a Plus four for that Christmas
And wanted to play something new
So seeing all the cover art and cheap price
I took a chance on a game or two
Both of them were ones I enjoyed so much
And they were well worth the price too
It made me wonder just how they did it
But didn't care as I had another go or two!

(Being someone who had a paper round to earn money and being able to spend that on something that I could afford was hugely important. The budget range of games for £1.99 meant that the UK computer games industry didn't have a crash and grew over time with gaming affordable for all - and I cannot stress enough how vital that was.)

Three Hour Sets

When you want to see a band or artist
You will have paid a lot of money
There's a feeling to get your money's worth
That going off after a half hour wouldn't be funny
The best bands and artists know this
And play a lengthy list in their set
Meaning you get some of the classics
And maybe some you may not have heard yet
Your favourites are coming into town
And you know from previous dates it should be well
There's a sense of anticipation and excitement
As you will soon be able to tell
If all the things you were promised will be true
And that there will be a long set list to play
With three hours worth of music for you
And that will mean you will enjoy today
Sure enough that is the case
And you go home feeling really happy
Your favourites haven't forgotten you
They know that they value the hours: all three.

(Say what you like about Taylor Swift's music if you will, but doing a three hour set for those who have been to her gigs is excellent, and puts here alongside Bruce Springsteen, Dream Theater and Metallica for proper value for money from what you see. Massive kudos to her.)

Sunshine Cat Haiku

Brian sees the sun
He wants to go out and play
In the warm sunshine.

(Brian the cat always sees the sunshine and drops hints to his Mummy that is time to play.)